Croeso – Welcome
Now that we seem to be in the "managing" phase of Covid, in-person teaching has really taken off - and no surprise, as meeting and chatting before and after class is all part of the fun.
However, I still feel that there is a place for an online workout as often the live is time restricted - both as in the date and the place, but also that live classes are often and hour, whist online, we can easily do 20 mins as we don't need to leave the house!
Strength and Flexibility are such important fitness elements, and ones I appreciate more as I get older, since my days of playing basketball, doing competition aerobics and now over (!) although Disco Aerobics is proving to be a massive joy and might see if I can keep that going. Being strong keeps my joints from being stiff, and my muscles have more resilience and tone - but also flexibility helps me bend and lift in a way that makes my body feel "younger". They both require different approaches, and a structured approach - which is another benefit of a 6-week course as the sessions can be built to be more challenging at week 6, and more information and repetition at week 1 - with the added advantage of being able to repeat sessions that you enjoyed or want to go over again.
To this end, I am continuing with the online Café sessions - if only for my own fitness! I have noticed that without the regular workouts this last month how much stiffer my body has got. If you are interested in joining, then there is more information below and a downloadable calendar to keep. I have an Early Bird offer of £20 if you sign up before the 1st of August - all prices will be going up, but I hope that you still feel that these sessions offer good value for money - I know how tight things are at the moment, and want to make sessions accessible whenever I can. Have a look and join me if you want to improve your strength and flexibility this autumn.
Café Medi is a 6-week course of live and interactive classes online via Facebook and app, with the ability to watch all of the sessions at any time again until the 30th October.
5th September – 1st October – Café Medi, part one
3rd – 8th October – Catch Up Week
10th – 22nd October – Café Medi, part two
However, joining the Café was a revelation in that the holistic approach, and the understanding that your teaching brought to the table, pulled the whole thing together for me and it’s become a fundamental part of my life
Aero Cardio Workout – 6.15– 6.45pm
30 minutes of cardiovascular training to improve heart strength and overall fitness.
Alternatives are available for all fitness levels, and each week there will be a different style of workout so that you have a choice of 6 to choose from by the end of the live section of the Café
You can do this as a standalone workout, or add to the conditioning one for a longer session.
This session will include combination moves, aerobic and boxing routines and sometimes step.
Pilates – 7.00 – 7.45pm
45-minute Mat Based Pilates for increased core strength and flexibility.
You will need a mat and a band for this, and adaptations will be given throughout.
Over the next 6 weeks, I will lead you through a progressive training programme that will be suitable for a beginner or intermediate Pilates’s person. Adaptations will be given so that you get the most out of the session.
Conditioning Workout – 7.30 – 7.50am
This 20-minute workout is a fairly fast paced session that you can do before work or add onto any of the cardio sessions to create a tailored workout.
Weighted Workout – 6:00 – 7:00pm
This hour-long weighted workout will follow a structure workout that includes teaching correct technique and good form.
An extended session will also allow more time for stretch and core workout at the end of the weights.
An important part of any training programme, this strength and conditioning session will help you increase your joint stability, your bone density, your posture and support your fitness goals.
As a beginner, you are welcome to use alternative items such as a heavy rucksack and some bottles of milk etc to get the desired effect – as you become more confident and proficient, we recommend that you look into buying some small weights. Start with some 1- 2kg dumbbells and work up to 3-5kg with the option of getting a body bar and weighted plates for maximum effect.
Café Chat – 7:15 – 8:00pm
Our Café Chats will be there to support your fitness programme with information, facts and advice on health and wellbeing
The full programme is listed below, and you are welcome to listen live or later.
Brilliant, so enjoying your classes, never done such a variety ever before or this many either !!
Pilates – 07.30 – 07.50am
A 20-minute Mat Based Pilates session, usually only including two or three Pilates exercises, but all done with a rate of intensity to cause a training effect.
Can be adjusted to suit your fitness level and is ideal for a quick workout blast when you are short of time.
HIIT Cardio - 6.15 – 7pm
HIIT Cardio is an interval training session that brings great health and fitness benefits.
The moves will include fundamental basics such as squats, knee lifts, running on the spot and will not include any dance style coordination moves so that you are able to concentrate on increasing your heart rate and improving your fitness.
Alternatives will be offered for all fitness levels with low impact options
Pilates 8am – 8.30am
This 30-minute mat work session has more information and teaching points to help you improve your Pilates practice.
Bore Da Pilates 9:00am – 9.30am
30-minute standing stretch and Pilates class to wake you up for the day.
Whether you are doing a post run stretch, or a get out of bed and get going routine, you will find your body moves more freely, your mind is alert and generally able to face the day with a smile.
Please have something stable to hold onto if your balance is poor.
Motivate me 9:45am – 10:00am
I love the balance of your sessions, i.e the mixing of what I loosely call 'theory' and 'practice', with all the evidence based research underpinning your practical workshops. I, for one, really appreciate this, as opposed to just a run of the mill exercise programme, of which there are so many around.
Café Chats
I attribute that to the Café Chats and workshops (I love to know the how and why of things!) and absolutely from the Motivate Me. Putting in the work is easier now.
07/09/22 – Strong & Flexible : - How can you train your body to be both strong and flexible at the same time? This talk looks at some of the training programmes we will be following over the next 6-weeks, and the science behind them.
14/09/22 – How the ageing process affects your fitness – many of us think that we do not get “gains” as we get older – and that exercise is there for the under 30’s. This is not the case….we will look at what happens when the body ages, and what we can do about it.
21/09/22 – How to harness your “beast-mode” motivation – getting the “grrr” into your training is a useful way to overcome fatigue. Find out the positive words and images that you can use to help you switch on your inner “Hulk” and work hard
28/09/22 – Why can’t I touch my toes? – Forward flexion is a key movement pattern for humans – why is it when we get older, it becomes more challenging to bend down and pick things up off the floor or do your shoe laces, or the gardening? Find out how to improve your “lumbo-pelvic rhythm” to make moving easier.
12/10/22 – Why strength training improves your heart health - strength training is often seen as something we do improve our posture, bone health or protect our back etc, but it also plays and important role in cardio health. Find out why this is.
19/10/22 – Why fitness improves your mental health – keep fit and health is not only good for your physical fitness but provides a protective and effective barrier to our stress. Find out how your mental health is boosted when you train.
I have just caught up on the last two Café Chats. Oh I love the chats! Love ‘em!
So much food food for thought. You absolutely talk my kinda language
How to make best use the app or web page
The app or webpage work together to allow you access to see your bookings, book onto sessions, pay for passes or watch videos. This is really useful if you use your phone as it is easy to navigate and use. Here are some key things to consider:
The app is called “Fit by Wix” and can be downloaded via Apple or Android phone
The code to join is ZTPCFC
The app holds all the information you will need and can be held on your phone or tablet.
You can message me directly on the app, which is easier than logging in via your email.
You can also go direct to the web page via the link at the bottom of the page.
Your pass to the app and the videos is linked to your email. So, only log into the app or the webpage with this and not your FB or Google account.
You can book the sessions in the Café via the web page or Facebook. The webpage will email you notification of the class via your app or email, which many people enjoy.
Remember if you want notification on the FB page, then you have to say you are “going” to the event.
You do not have to do both, so chose the one that suits you.
If you are using the app, go to the main page and you will see the “book now” button to book into Café classes online or to the live classes in Borth.
Underneath the buttons is a row of text that you can swipe left on.
Home Page (the one you are on)
Video Workouts – here you can view any of the workouts included in your pass. You have access to this for 12 weeks. By keeping it here on your phone, it means you can do the workouts wherever you are.
The videos are blocked into “channels”, and you will need to scroll to “Café Mai”
The workouts on your phone will be in order, so scroll up to the one you want
The videos on your PC can be sorted by clicking on the “all categories” button in the right corner, and you can choose the one you want.
Timetable - this shows what is on that day/week – and you can book directly from your app or via the web page
Buy a Pass – these passes give you access for a block of time, and you can book your Café here if you wish
Blog – if you want to read the blogs, then click this link
If you want to check your bookings, then you need to go into your personal account. On the top left corner of the app, you will see your icon (can be your picture or letters). Click on this.
You will see “public profile” - you can use this to upload a picture and some information about yourself if you wish. But to check bookings, look for “My Activities”
Click on “my activities” and you will see a list
My bookings – shows everything you have booked for
My subscriptions – shows everything you have paid for
My Programmes – open Sept 2022
My saved items – a page for you to save items that you want to read again
You can watch videos with your pass on the app. But be aware that Apple and Android phones have a streaming block which might make your video have a lag, please make sure that you clear your “cache” before watching on phone or tablet – it is less glitchy on the desktop. More advice here:
I hope that whatever programme you chose, that you enjoy the freedom to workout when it suits you, with fun and laughter, and up to date information and advice. I have many years of experience, so please don’t be shy in asking any questions – the more you ask, the more I get to understand what you want x
Diolch, Rachel x
Suggested Equipment for Happy Café Hapus Workouts
This guide is to show you some additional products that you MIGHT want to purchase to help you with working out at home. I do not have an affiliation with any of these companies, but I know how useful it is to be able to have that additional piece of equipment that aids your fitness journey x
Mats - There are plenty of versions out there to be had - and varying prices. I like this brand as it is thick enough to be comfy, without being bulky, and it is long enough to lie on properly
Bands - I prefer the long cloth loop bands - but you can choose others if you prefer - these are the ones I use:
Step - Small enough to hide under your bed, this is a good example of a small step.
Pilates Ball - Excellent for stability work and stretch
Dumbbells - Dumbbells will make a big difference to your workout - neoprene ones are less slippy to hold. Start at about 2kg, and then add in some 3kg and 4kg when you get stronger. Aiming for 5Kg at some point, but change your dumbbell to ones with a narrow grip so that your hand can wrap around it easily. x
So excited for the start of Cafe Medi and love the focus on strength and flexibility!